So20Sep17:00So18:00Vico TorrianiAn Engadine sings himself into the world

Event details

The author Barbara Tänzler and Nicole Kündig-Torriani, daughter of the famous Swiss entertainer, present this first biography about Vico Torriani. Lorenzo Polin, actor, reads passages from the book. Torriani's career stages read like a succession of childhood dream jobs: singer, hit star, actor, entertainer, show chef and TV legend. But who is behind the character Vico Torriani? On the occasion of her 100th birthday, Barbara Tänzler and Nicole Kündig-Torriani went in search of her father. In this biography, the author examines Torriani's various professional stages, talks about highs, lows and turning points as well as constants of a private nature. The result is a portrait of a multi-layered stage person who always knew how to reorient himself. free entry Reservations are advantageous due to limited seats, please to: or by phone 081 836 06 02


20.09.2020 17:00 - 18:00


Hotel Reine Victoria

Via Rosatsch 18, 7500 St. Moritz

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