Tue08Sep20:30Tue21:30The Poetry of MisfortuneFor the 250th birthday of Friedrich Hölderlin
Event details
Angelika Overath and Manfred Koch organize an evening about the poet, who is today considered the greatest in the German language and received little recognition during his lifetime. Holderlin (1770-1843), by
Event details
Angelika Overath and Manfred Koch organize an evening about the poet, who is today considered the greatest in the German language and received little recognition during his lifetime. Hölderlin (1770 – 1843), determined by his mother to be a pastor, tried unsuccessfully to become a freelance writer, failed several times as a "court master" (private tutor) in rich aristocratic and bourgeois families, experienced bitter disappointments in love and friendship relationships and finally became In 1806 admitted to the psychiatric ward with the diagnosis of severe "mental disorder". He then spent 36 years, almost exactly half of his life, as the incapacitated "foster son" of a carpenter family in Tübingen in their house on the Neckar. Angelika Overath and Manfred Koch use excerpts from Hölderlin's poems and letters to guide us through this unhappy life and show how a poetic language arose out of existential need that is unique in German literature. Admission CHF 10.-; Box office from 7.30 p.m
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Reservations are advantageous due to limited seats, please to: kultur@laudinella.ch or by phone 081 836 06 02
08.09.2020 20:30 - 21:30
Hotel Reine Victoria
Via Rosatsch 18, 7500 St. Moritz
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