Mrs27Aug20:30Mrs21:30Rococons - a report about Marie theater
Event details
The dance piece Rococons - A report on Marie A. is based on the novel Marie Antoinette: Portrait of a middle character by Stefan Zweig. It will be in the
Event details
The dance piece Rococons - A report on Marie A. is based on the novel Marie Antoinette: Portrait of a middle character by Stefan Zweig. It tells the development of a childishly ignorant personality who is thrown into politics at an early age and rigorously refuses to look outside. The choreographer Marie Nüzel contrasts this historical figure with a series of charismatic young leading figures from our time who want to actively intervene in world affairs and have not yet reached the age of majority or have only just reached it. But what happens to young people, with their scope for action and development, when they become actors in political or media playing fields with global reach? If they don't sacrifice "thoughts to thoughtlessness, the essential to nothing, the heavy to the light"? (branch) The projects of the choreographer and performer Marie Nüzel move at the interface between performance, dance and documentation. In her piece Rococons, she combines an examination of music and dance from the “siècle des petitesses” with current issues of power and powerlessness, of individual maturity and collective responsibility, of political activism and superficial self-portrayal in social networks. Inspired by the historical figure of Marie Antoinette, four dancers and musicians draw the portrait of a young woman who, from an early age, is faced with existential questions and has to grow and fail because of them. With Louisa Difliff, Paula Dominguez, Kathrin Knöpfle, Marie Nüzel | Choreography: Marie Nüzel | Artistic Assistance: Rose Fock | Equipment: Luzia Ehrmann | Light: Andi Kern CHF 20.-, reduced CHF 10.- (students, pupils, AHV)
Get your ticket now
Information:, T +41 81 836 06 03 Box office: 7:45 p.m. Photos: © Marie Nüzel
27.08.2021 20:30 - 21:30
Hotel Reine Victoria
Via Rosatsch 18, 7500 St. Moritz
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