Mrs23Jul21:00Mrs22:00Jazz Festival: Omar Sosa & Yilian CañizaresAguas Trio feat. Gustavo Ovalles

Event details

Omar Sosa was born in Cuba in 1965. 28 years later he left his homeland to finally settle in Barcelona. What Sosa is still concerned about is the examination of the African roots of Afro-Cuban music and Afro-American jazz. On the album "An East African Journey" he processes musical impressions that he collected on a journey through seven East African countries (Ethiopia, Burundi, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Zambia, Sudan). Unusual scales meet dense rhythmic networks, catchiness and complexity are beguilingly balanced.
Entry: CHF 90.00 buy tickets


23.07.2021 21:00 - 22:00


Hotel Reine Victoria

Via Rosatsch 18, 7500 St. Moritz

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