So11Dec17:00So18:15The AirlettesUnderneath the Mistletoe
A Christmas concert where the pre-Christmas atmosphere is guaranteed. The Airlettes are a close-harmony trio from the swing era - this is where swing, pop and rockabilly meet
A Christmas concert where the pre-Christmas atmosphere is guaranteed.
The Airlettes are a close-harmony trio from the swing era - here swing, pop and rockabilly meet concentrated energy, humor and lots of charm.
The self-appointed stewardesses invite you to take a wintry overseas trip and finally to your own living room with individual swing and jazz arrangements, from classics to the latest Christmas hits.
With Madeleine Haipt (v), Paulina Plucinski (v), Stefanie Bruckner (v), Christoph Spangenberg (p), Kai Schönburg (dr) and Sebastian Gieck (b)
Free entry - collection
Reservation not required
11.12.2022 17:00 - 18:15
Hotel Reine Victoria
Via Rosatsch 18, 7500 St. Moritz
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