wed09Jun20:30wed22:00Peter Stammreads from his new collection of stories "When it gets dark".

Event details

Georg is about to retire. He is no longer noticed in the office, and there is no food waiting for him at home. He seems to slowly dissolve and a nameless horror seizes him. Sabrina is flattered when an artist speaks to her. But when she sees herself as a work of art for the first time, she shudders. David wants to rob a bank. He already has a mask with him, a squirrel mask. But he won't be using it today. He has heard that bank robbers often spend weeks watching all the details before they strike. He begins to lurk. We have got used to the world and suddenly it becomes creepy to us. What if our fantasies become more real than reality? Peter Stamm's stories tell of the fragility of the world, of dizziness and ghostly love. Admission: CHF 10.-; Box office from 7.30 p.m. Get your ticket now, +41 81 836 06 02 Reservation recommended due to the limited number of places (Photo: Gaby Gerster)


09.06.2021 20:30 - 22:00


Hotel Reine Victoria

Via Rosatsch 18, 7500 St. Moritz

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