do23Mar20:30Martina Clavadetscherreads: "Before all eyes"
Event details
A radical change of perspective: finally those women who were only seen for a long time have a voice. The girl with the pearl earring, the lady with the ermine, women
Event details
A radical change of perspective: finally those women who were only seen for a long time have a voice
The girl with the pearl earring, the lady with the ermine, women in world-famous paintings by Leonardo da Vinci, Vermeer, Rembrandt, Courbet, Schiele, Munch. We see their bodies, their looks, their clothes, spellbound or banished to an eternal moment.
But who were they outside of this moment? Martina Clavadetscher has followed the clues of her life, lets the women talk and thus gives them a voice back.
Martina Clavadetscher, born in 1979, is a writer and playwright. After studying German literature, linguistics and philosophy, she worked for various German-speaking theaters, won the Essen Authors' Prize and was nominated for the Heidelberg Plays Market. for her novel The invention of disobedience she received the Swiss Book Prize in 2021. She lives in Switzerland.
Admission: CHF 10.00, online tickets available here or at the evening box office from 7:30 p.m
Photo: Ingo Höhn
23.03.2023 20:30
Hotel Reine Victoria
Via Rosatsch 18, 7500 St. Moritz