Three authors. All fresh, extremely poetic in a mood. You will read multi-layered Rhaeto-Romanic poems and short prose from the Lower and Upper Engadin. The moderator summarizes the rest in German sentences. You can expect the wonderful Tina Planta ("Il blau tocca la terra") from Val Müstair, a new, very interesting Upper Engadine voice that will inspire you, Nina Dazzi and Romana Ganzoni, who will lead through the evening at the same time. Trais auturas preschaintan lur stupends texts lirics e da prosa - richs, ligers, profuonds. Vallader e puter i'l Hotel Reine Victoria. Nus udins las bellischmas ed inspirantas poesias da Tina Planta ("Il blue tocca la terra") ed ans laschains inchanter d'üna nouva vusch putera, Nina Dazzi. Romana Ganzoni preschainta sieu cudesch e pisserescha scu modertura per la traducziun da tuot ils texts per tudas-ch. Entry: CHF 10.-
Secure Tichet now, +41 81 836 06 03
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