sat14Jun20:30bring on the shark... Weill!Annette Postel & Sebastian Matz

Event details

From the Three Penny Opera in Babylon Berlin to the Broadway musical: Songs, Arias, Songs, Chansons and History by Kurt Weill

The famous songwriter, Brecht composer, cabaret accompanist and musical composer (1900-1950) still has a large treasure chest under his New York and Berlin beds.

And who should sing his songs (besides Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra, Nick Cave, Elvis Costello and The Doors) if not the 1st prize winner of the Lotte Lenya Award of the Kurt Weill Foundation NY?

“Bring on the shark… Weill!” is anything but dusty: the pieces from the Golden 20s to the Golden 50s are cheekily spiced up by the two stage professionals with plenty of wit, rhythm and swing. Kurt Weill from his cheeky, funny and jazzy side!

Annette Postel sings and guides through the life of Kurt Weill. Sebastian Matz accompanies her on the piano. Admission free, collection in aid of the artists


14.06.2025 20:30


Hotel Reine Victoria, theater hall

Via Rosatsch 18, 7500 St. Moritz

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