Literature works like a time machine, it takes us into the worlds of the recent past and lets us experience what concerns people: After 1945
Literature works like a time machine, it takes us into the worlds of the recent past and lets us experience what concerns people: After 1945, the Graubünden experience area is affected by rapid change. Forests give way to power plants, the world queues up in front of the ski lifts, politics takes place in the living room, and private matters are taken to the streets. Language boundaries blur into Romansh, Italiano, German, and more. How do literary texts from and about Graubünden describe this upheaval? How do they help shape it? The Institute for Cultural Research Graubünden is investigating these questions together with the University of Zurich in a broad-based research project.
In three inputs and in conversation with Mirella Carbone, Cordula Seger, Paola de Piante Vicin, Laura Pfister and Michael Daniel Schmid provide insights into the surprising literary worlds around the Engadine and focus on authors such as Selina Chönz, Maria Colombo, Göri Klainguti, Andri Peer and Ulrich Becher.
Inputs with: MA Paola de Pianta Vicin, MA Laura Pfister, MA Michael Daniel Schmid and Dr. Cordula Seger.
Moderation: Dr. Mirella Carbone, research associate at ikg Sils
Admission is free.
In cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Research Graubünden.
Image: Ulrich Becher, Copyright: Kurt Wyss
03.12.2024 20:30
Hotel Reine Victoria conference hall
Via Rosatsch 18, 7500 St. Moritz
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