sat11Oct.(Oct 11)16:30sat18(Oct 18)11:00Orchestra Week with Marianne SchönbächlerIn the golden Engadin autumn

Event details

Course management: Marianne Schönbächler

Course content
The various aspects of orchestral playing are deepened. A homogeneous orchestral sound is the goal of the daily rehearsals. Works from different epochs show the peculiarities of the different tonal languages and their implementation. Technical details are worked out in register samples.
Rehearsals take place in the morning, late afternoon and evening. After-work sight-reading is available for the tireless.

target group
Adult string players with solid musical background who enjoy making music and rehearsing. If you have any questions, the course leader will be happy to answer them (079/395 37 95 or

Course leader
Marianne Schönbächler, Lausanne and Glarus
Violin studies in Lausanne and La Chaux-de Fonds. Conducting courses at the Zurich University of the Arts. Worked as a violin, viola and chamber music teacher at the Glarner Music School. Conductor of the school orchestra, management of music camps with young people. Member of various chamber music formations. Long-time member of the Glarner Chamber Orchestra

Course start: Saturday, October 11, 2025, 4:30 p.m.
Course end: Saturday, October 18th after breakfast

Course times
09.30 - 12.00 rehearsal, also register rehearsals
5.00 pm - 6.30 pm Rehearsal, if the weather is good the rehearsal can start a little later, if the weather is bad a little earlier, depending on the needs of the participants
6:30 - 8:00 pm Dinner   
8:15 pm - 9:30 pm rehearsal

Bring along
Chamber music sheet music for the tireless and your own music stand if you want to practice in your room.

Number of participants
Min. 23 / Max. 40

Final concert
Friday, October 17, 2025, 8:30 p.m.

Course fee
CHF 380.-

Registration deadline
June 30, 2025


11.10.2025 16:30 - 18.10.2025 11:00

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