sat26Jun20:30sat21:30Helvetias on tour the showTHE SWISS MUSIC SHOW WITH RUMS AND PADAM

Event details

Sara, a primary school teacher from the beautiful canton of Thurgau, is commissioned by Pro Helvetia to re-plow well-known Swiss songs. In order to make the Swiss tractor purr successfully, she asks her childhood friend Stella for support. Stella is now a successful and celebrated musical star in Germany and is now traveling with her pianist especially from Hamburg. While the fully loaded tractor really gets going musically, the two singers Sara and Stella have a few things to clarify: Are they two Liebi from Thurgau or two divas from show business? Are the Ramseiers grazing on Gümmeligebärg or on Broadway after all? And hand on heart: do you like Puurebüebli or not? And how about success and getting older? But one thing is clear to both of them from the very beginning: they'd rather make the calf on stage than let Heiri sell it. Singers: Sara Hugentobler and Sara-Bigna Janett Piano: Annakatrin Isaacs Choreography: Marcel von Arx Text book: gold grueb with advisory support from Domenico Blass Ticket: CHF 20.- Secure your ticket now Reservation recommended due to the limited number of places T +41 81 836 06 02,


26.06.2021 20:30 - 21:30


Hotel Reine Victoria

Via Rosatsch 18, 7500 St. Moritz

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